Jon Collin 
It sounds as if Collin has been attuning his ears to the sounds of the natural world for some time, and brought his guitar directly into line with it. Generating a fluidity and calm (seemingly without overt repetition) which at times induces similar effects as top draw drone musics. Whilst on this path Collin has developed a technique which appears quite singular - quite a rare achievement for a man with a six string playing the blues, in these times. You may also know him from his Winebox Press label, or previous bands he's featured in such as Whole Voyald Infinite Light and Serfs. 

Rob Noyes 
"On the way to developing his own compositional/performance approach, Noyes sometimes seems to have absorbed an almost infinite reservoir of influences. Apart from some superb Basho-like 12-string tunneling, most momentary fragments tend to recall legendary Limeys like John Renbourn (and through him, Davey Graham), because Rob's overt melodic structures tend towards the non-bluesoid. But then you'll maybe hear a note-sequence spiced like something dropped from the hot strings of Michael Chapman or even a powerful throng that makes you think of Wizz Jones. When that happens, you realize there's more of a blues base to some of the songs than you'd been able to untangle. Rob's playing carries the weight of many possibly-imaginary forebears, but the way he smears them all together shows a holistic mastery of touch and imagination that defies a lot of today's players, who tend to shine in short bursts, then allow their dreams to outrun their technique. Rob Noyes has no such apparent limitations." -Byron Coley

Anna Peaker and Teresa Winter
A brand new project from Anna Peaker and Teresa Winter, so new little is known other than instrumentation - "Violin, Harmonium and Electronic drones of some sort". Anna Peaker is a well respected graphic artist and musician - delving into the murkier side of drone musics with hints towards psychedelia, of the kind you might find in your memories of 70's Italian horror movies. Teresa Winter is at the sharp end of contemporary electronic music with releases on Death in Rave and Reckno. You may have seen her recently at Nottingham Contemporary performing at the opening of the House of Linder exhibition. 

Friday 10th August at Chameleon, Angel Row Nottingham.
£6 adv / £8 otd

Tickets: https://www.wegottickets.com/event/443446
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/767190750149466/


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