Rammel Club #117 Louie Rice & Luciano Maggiore / Whitby Bay / Ash Reid & Jackson Burton / Shit Hippies


Rammel Club #117
Louie Rice & Luciano Maggiore 
Whitby Bay
Ash Reid & Jackson Burton
Shit Hippies
Sat 13th May
Old Bus Depo, NG1 1GD
8pm doors
£5 adv/door

Louie Rice & Luciano Maggiore 
Are long time friends and collaborators that have performed scores by Alvin Lucier, Robert Bozzi, Ken Friedman, Emmet Williams and Walter Marchetti, as well as some of their own creation.
"We used the phrase - unrewarding task based actions - for a while, but the project is quite rewarding so we dropped that."

Whitby Bay
Crossing the rabid intensity of early Ulver and Ildjarn with the guitar scree of Harry Pussy and Black Dice, the sound of Whitby Bay renders the impossible co-existence of these worlds. For this gig some of them return to their old home Nottingham, bringing their mardy music for mardy people with them. Whitby Bay are Victor Jakeman & Patrick Moran.

Ash Reid & Jackson Burton
Ash and Jackson have been collaborating together for over 10 years, working with scores, text pieces and action based performances that address class and gender in relation to where they grew up. Recent performances have included Cafe OTO and Hundred years gallery, London.

Shit Hippies
We've been begging Shit Hippies to play for yonks, and they've finally given in / reached a point where they are willing to display themselves in public. Here's a review of their latest release..."Shit Hippies are Andy Morgan and Dave Bevan, also of Bloody Head, rounded out by Ellis Blake who features in Krupps, with Bevan. This, it seems, is where they go to scratch their psychedelic freakout itch, with most of this live taping loud and gnarly save for ‘Scry’, a mid-album piece of unseemly fragility. Alastair Galbraith might work as a point of reference for it, and from there you might ponder Shit Hippies in the context of that wider New Zealand milieu encompassing The Dead C, Birchville Cat Motel and myriad others. I could equally believe they were gunning for a Les Rallizes Dénudés thing, or Bardo Pond or Ramleh or all or none of those things. Suffice to say, a generous spoon of tainted syrup." Noel Gardner, Quietus


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