Rammel Club #2
Emeralds + Birds of Delay + Gareth Hardwick + Modulator ESP
Sunday 25th January 2009
“…fantastic, no-mind drone that swells in bloom after bloom of pink F/X-irradiated clouds, crossing the kind of planetary scale gravities of Tangerine Dream's Zeit with the sun-climbing-tenement-walls feel of classic Cale/Velvets jams and the new dawn zone of the best Klaus Schulze, Cosmic Couriers and Taj Mahal Travellers sides. The jams have an ecstatic slow-burning euphoria to them, expanding with beautifully sublimated melodic detail into synth hymnals and flat-on-your-back visions of now/then/forever. Post-noise eternal music gnosis doesn't come any more gracefully fucked than this.”
Volcanic Tongue
“Beneath the mounds of tape loops, keyboard mysticism, and vocals rests the human forms of Luke Younger and Steven Warwick aka Birds Of Delay”
“Modulator ESP produces improvised experimental music using analogue and digital synthesis, analogue sequencers and processed sounds to create strange worlds of sound somewhere between '70s space music, prog rock and dark ambient drone and pieces are like abstract journeys into the imagination.”
“a super slow, drawn out languorous soundscape of deep warm melodic swells. Soft and rounded, muted and dreamlike, endless and repetitive. Simple melodies, pulled apart into abstract notes, allowed to surface one at a time, like sonic detritus in an expansive sea of sound. Reminds us quite a bit of Stars Of The Lid, or maybe a Philip Glass piece slowed waaaaay down.”
Aquarius Records
Sunday 25th January 2009
THE CHAMELEON (Old Market sq. / alleyway next to the Bell Inn, above Clinton Cards)
Nottingham [MAP]
8.00pm doors, 8.30pm start! £5/4 (cons)
Keep them coming. Dave